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Nothing Chats Privacy Policy
Fecha de actualización: 27 de junio de 2022
Sunbird Privacy and Security Standards
Privacy Matters
At Sunbird, we value user privacy and security above all else. We offer a messaging service that is completely private, with no data collected on users. Messages are transmitted using end-to-end encryption. Continue reading to see how Sunbird cares about privacy, and how our services provide a secure and private messaging experience for everyone.No Data Collection
Sunbird is unique in that it does not collect any data on its users. No messages, content, contacts, etc. This means that the company does not store any user data on its servers, nor does it collect any metadata about messages. This includes information such as message timestamps, sender and recipient IP addresses, or any other data that could be used to identify users. By not collecting any data, Sunbird ensures that there is nothing to compromise or leak, making it virtually impossible for any third party to gain access to user information.End-to-end Encryption
Sunbird uses end-to-end encryption to ensure that messages are private and secure. This means that messages are encrypted on the user's device and can only be decrypted by the intended recipient’s account. The encryption process is automatic and requires no additional input from the user, making it simple and seamless. With end-to-end encryption, Sunbird ensures that only the intended recipient can read messages, and that even if a third party were to intercept them, they would be unable to decipher the contents.Encryption is the process of converting plain or readable text into an unreadable format, called ciphertext, to protect the information's confidentiality. The process of encryption involves the use of an algorithm, which is a mathematical formula that is used to transform the original text into the encrypted form. The algorithm requires a key, which is a unique code used to encrypt and decrypt information.No AdvertisingSunbird is also unique in that it does not have any advertising on its platform. This means that the company does not collect any user data for advertising purposes, nor does it sell user data to third-party advertisers. By not relying on advertising revenue, Sunbird can focus solely on providing a secure and private messaging experience for its users.Sunbird puts privacy on top of all other initiatives. By not collecting any data on users, using end-to-end encryption, and not relying on advertising revenue, Sunbird ensures that users can communicate securely and without fear of compromise. With its commitment to privacy and security, Sunbird sets a new standard for messaging services, offering a truly private and secure communication experience for its users.The Right PartnersSunbird is committed to ensuring the highest level of privacy and security for its users. As part of this commitment, the company has partnered with privacy and security experts from a leading cybersecurity firm that specializes in privacy, risk, and compliance. Not only do they do continuous penetration testing and ethical hacking, but they specialize in developing and implementing comprehensive privacy and security programs that meet the highest standards.Compliance regulations such as the GDPR, CCPA, COPPA, etc, are all covered in this partnership. This ensures that Sunbird is always up to date on the latest in privacy and security requirements, and that its services continue to meet the highest standards of user confidentiality.International Privacy StandardsIn addition to its partnership with cybersecurity experts, Sunbird is also working towards ISO 27001/27701 certifications. ISO 27701 is an international standard that outlines best practices for privacy management. It provides a framework for organizations to implement privacy controls and manage privacy risks. By becoming ISO 27701 certified, Sunbird will demonstrate its commitment to user privacy and its ability to meet the highest standards for privacy management.Becoming ISO 27701 certified involves a rigorous process of assessment, testing, and certification by an accredited certification body. This process ensures that Sunbird has implemented appropriate privacy controls, has documented its privacy management processes, and has demonstrated that it is meeting the requirements of the standard. By achieving certification, Sunbird will be able to demonstrate to its users that it takes their privacy seriously and is committed to protecting their data.Sunbird's commitment to achieving ISO 27701 certification is further proof of its commitment to user privacy. These initiatives demonstrate that Sunbird is taking proactive steps to ensure the highest level of privacy and security for its users, and that it is dedicated to meeting the highest standards of privacy management.